I can no more be bound than the hawk in flight.
And I am the fires that burn in the night.
And I am the shaking and quaking of the earth.
And I am the water of the world’s rebirth.
I am freedom, I am freedom, I am freedom, I am freedom.
I am no more contained that the waves on the sea.
I cannot be chained because I must be free.
And I am the fire that burns in all things.
The bell that tolls with freedom’s call, shake when you hear me ring.
I am freedom, I am freedom, I am freedom, I am freedom.
One spirit in the dark,
Like a candle wavers.
Many spirits joined as one,
Burn with the power of the blazing sun.
There is strength in community,
A circle empowering you and me.
The circle binds yet sets us free,
In the Goddess’ name, so mote it be.
Matter suffused with its own inner light,
Raising the Feminine to conscious insight,
Strong, radiant container: Sophia!
Dark, intuitive receiver: Sophia!
Responding with vibrancy to the earth’s plight,
Providing a balance to masculine flight.
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly,
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly,
I circle around, I circle around,
The boundaries of the earth,
The boundless universe.
Where we live is holy, holy is the ground.
Water, wind and sunlight, holy is the Sound.
Mighty Spirit singing circles all around.
Mighty Spirit singing circles all around.
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Maker of heaven and earth.
All is full of Thy glory.
All is full of Thy glory.