The hope and goal of this web site is to make it all that much easier for folks to join in, speak up, sing out, and vibrate with Spirit. We’re gradually adding new chants. If you know of a chant that should be here, please let us know.
The hope and goal of this web site is to make it all that much easier for folks to join in, speak up, sing out, and vibrate with Spirit. We’re gradually adding new chants. If you know of a chant that should be here, please let us know.
The hope and goal of this web site is to make it all that much easier for folks to join in, speak up, sing out, and vibrate with Spirit. Too many of us have been scolded to shut up or be quiet because we don’t have “singers’ voices”. Too many of our Circles and rituals have suffered from the mumbled dirging of those too embarrassed to use their voice as a result of this conditioning. Everyone can chant. Spirit wants to sing through us. If we want to speak our truth, we must not be afraid to use our voices. Spirit wants to hear you. And be heard by you. Obviously this archive can never claim to cover every chant that one might sing to converse with Spirit, but our goal is to list a wide enough repertoire so the conversation can at least be lively and interesting. If you know of a chant that should be here, please contact us and let us know so we can add it. A few notes to keep in mind:
Namaste and Happy Chanting! |
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